Daily Musings 61 “changes”

Two months into the school year and I am again, in the midst of more changes at work. The difference however, is that I refuse to let it stress me out. Not anymore. I’m not at all afraid of change, but what’s going on in some of schools is ridiculous and beyond my control.

I’m going to continue to put forth every effort in ensuring my kids learn and love learning. But my work ends when I leave that school building. Teaching consumes me. It’s hard for me to separate it from other areas of my life. It’s draining mentally, physically and emotionally and in so many ways, it’s impossible. But I love it. And I love my kids. But when I get home, every part of me needs to be for my little guy. And after he goes to sleep, every part of me needs to be for me.

I started this blog in 2018, shortly after having my sweet baby boy. I felt invincible (after surviving pregnancy and a natural birth 😅) and was compelled to take advantage of being away from the all-consuming profession of teaching so that I could actively pursue writing. And I did. I wrote some children’s books folks, just like I’d set out to do. Currently, they’re sitting in journals and google docs while I ponder, hem and haw about how to go about the publishing process.

Anyway, the point of my musing is that I’m going to be focusing on my writing and figuring out how I want to navigate the scary world of self-promotion and/or submitting queries.

Something I’ve always felt was missing from my life was a writing community. A mentor. A guide. Some people to help me figure out this daunting process of seeing your ideas come to fruition in the form of a book. A girl can dream 🧚🏾‍♂️… and I’m hoping this blog and the universe will help me along the way.

Advice, suggestions, opinions and questions are welcome!

@12raisins 🍇✨

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