Daily Musings 78 “simple pleasures”

My little guy has been excited to put up our Christmas tree for at least two weeks now. I couldn’t commit though, not until I’d put away all my shoes. If it weren’t for him they’d probably still be there. His excitement is tangible and it looks like he has lights twinkling in his eyes despite the tree still being in its box. It’s those simple moments of joy, through my little guys eyes that got me through the roller coaster of emotions that has been 2020.

Moving though the seasons with my little guy has always been a fascinating and joyous experience for me. But as his awareness and communication skills increase the experience keeps on levelling up. I’m grateful for this. Counting my blessings.

On this 27th last day of the year I’m grateful for simple pleasures. 2020 has been a year of simplicity for my son and I. For us, simple pleasures have been rainy day walks and jumping in rain puddles during the spring. Bike rides and forest walks, a camping trip and gardening were a few of the simplicities of the summer. In the fall my gears switched to kindergarten mode and I collected leaves for my students while my little guy ran through piles of leaves and collected acorns for his dump trucks 😅. Now that his obsession with Halloween has subdued, he’s on to Christmas. With winter almost here, our simple pleasures lie in snowfalls, admiring decorated Christmas trees with “sprinkly” lights, and following the moon.

@12raisins 🍇✨

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