Daily Musings 82 “books”

The statement “2020 was rough.” is an understatement, but it’s the truth. There were times during the year, often social media induced where I felt like I couldn’t think. I didn’t know what to think. I felt a lot, but didn’t know what to do with my feelings. My senses were hyper-aware of everything, so much so I couldn’t process any of it. Fortunately, several things helped me find clarity in the fog of 2020.

On this 23rd last day of the year I am grateful for books. They were my saving grace. I’ve always been a lover of books and reading, but it’s hard for me to read when I’m teaching and have a never-ending to-do list. So, I read during breaks, especially during the summer with my book club friends. I thought I’d be able to monopolize on the extra time the pandemic afforded us but my reading goals didn’t play out the way I thought they would.

Due to the pandemic, my to-do list was pretty short this year but I still couldn’t read. I couldn’t settle or calm down enough to focus on reading. Even if baby boy wasn’t around, my mind was too full, too fried and simply could not focus.

I don’t remember what the trigger was, but something told me to get on the TPL (Toronto Public Library) site and try out audiobooks. And here I am today, at 18 books for the year and counting. These books filled me up and continue to fill me up in the exact way I needed to be filled. As a writer and reader, audiobooks will never replace physical books, but I’ve never been more thankful and appreciative of them. Moving forward I will give them the reverence they deserve.

Thank you as always @TPL for helping me to be well. #imlibrarypeople #4life 🤓

@12raisins 🍇✨

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