Daily Musings 17 – burned out 👩🏾‍🏫

It’s the 3rd Monday since we’ve been back-to-school. We’re not even 3 weeks into the school year and I feel tired, worn-out, beat up, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, confused, inefficient, ineffective, and exhausted. I feel like every ounce of my energy has been zapped and that I have nothing left to give.

Despite this though, I’m hopeful. I’m going to go right back to my kids and love them, care for them, listen to them, laugh with them, and help them to learn and grow.

This school year is truly like something out of a horror movie folks. It’s rough, really rough. Please check on your teacher peeps. We’re trying our best under impossible circumstances (as per usual but X 100).

Reminding myself to breathe deeply and slowly. 🧘🏾‍♀️📿


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