Once a week, for the past four years I receive a basket of organic, mostly locally grown fruit and vegetables from Mama Earth.

Depending on the season, we may eat a LOT of squash, beets or carrots and are required to get creative. Every so often, there’s something included in this basket that my family and I have never seen before. Google ‘alien broccoli’!

I hate to see food waste and regularly make it my mission to use up ‘unwanted’ food items in the fridge. Google ‘celeriac root’. Recently, the unfamiliar food item was ‘mung bean sprouts’. I saw them and thought “What the heck am I going to do with these?”

In order to consume less meat, my family attempts to eat veggie or fish meals at least three times a week. I am typically tasked with these non-meat meals and have to get really creative. I’ve decided to document the process of these culinary experiments. After I’ve given them a try, I hope you will too! Let me know your thoughts and ideas, as well!

Cooking reflectively,
